Mass Effect 3 Activate The Hammers Walkthrough

Our Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Act 1 – Priority: Tuchanka explains. And activate the two hammers located on the right. Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough.

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Mass Effect 2 Walkthrough

Chapter Seven: Rannoch Now that you’ve completed one of the two previous side-missions, you can move on to the next story mission. Shepard has been given a laser designator to call down an orbital strike on the Geth base on Rannoch. In order to accurately paint the target, Shepard must first infiltrate the Geth fortifications. Tali’s presence is required, so make sure the other squadmate you bring along will benefit you in battling Geth forces. Objective: Enter the Geth base After a brief cutscene that takes place when you land, you’re thrown into action just outside the Geth stronghold. Progress down the hill towards the open door at the bottom, taking down the Geth that stand in your way.

Once you reach the bottom, the door will slam shut, and more Geth Troopers will drop in to attack. After killing them, head towards the door.

On the right, you’ll find the SMG High Caliber Barrel III. Grab that, and then proceed back out into the open area. Look to your left and you’ll see a series of platforms and ladders to climb.

Once you get to the ladders, you have the choice of going either left or right. It doesn’t matter which way you choose as you’ll have to fight the same few Geth forces no matter what. Climb up and keep taking down the Geth as you move forward. When you reach the final platform area, you’ll spot a ladder on the left that will take you up to the next section. Before heading up there, be sure to grab the Kassa Fabrication Gauntlets beneath it, and the Assault Rifle Piercing Mod III located where the Geth Rocket Troops were hidden behind cover. After getting those items, climb up the ladder, and make your way up the pipes in front of you. In this next section, you can choose to maintain the high ground against the Geth soldiers, or drop down onto the walkway below to fight them.

Geth Rocket Troopers will drop in from above, so you may find it advantageous to stick to the upper catwalk during this next firefight. After every Geth has been eliminated, head into the door at the far end of the walkway on the right. Inside there is some Reaper Tech to salvage on a terminal. Make sure to grab it before heading up the ramp to the next area. Once you take out the Geth Trooper outside, head to the left to find the SMG Ultralight Materials III. Here you can see the blast shield begins to close in order to protect the base. Legion informs Shepard that he must override the controls, and reopen the blast door before the orbital strike will be effective.

Objective: Override the blast door controls Turn around, and head straight down the outside perimeter to find a way back inside. Geth Troopers will immediately drop in to try and stop you. Utilize Tali’s Sabotage abilities to help temporarily convince some Geth forces to join your side, and take down whatever Geth reinforcements arrive as you continue back towards the interior. Some Geth Rocket Troops will appear on the balcony to your left as you progress. Take them down, and then move towards the computer terminal at the end of the path. There you’ll find a Geth Plasma Shotgun and some Data to salvage.

Head through the door and into the next room. There’s another terminal with Data to salvage and a Med Kit.

Follow the hallway until you reach the next door. Once you’re in the next room, more Geth will show up.

Head to the left, taking out any Geth you come across. The Door Override will be on the computer terminal on this side of the room, but it won’t be active until you take out all the Geth. As soon as you activate the override, Geth reinforcements show up. After taking them all out, you need to head to the terminal around the corner to the right of where the Geth reinforcements arrived. Activate the second override, and then proceed around the walkway to the elevator. Right when you arrive at the elevator, a Geth Prime arrives with a few Geth Troopers.

It will be a short fight with your whole squad able to focus their attacks on this small group of foes. Once he’s down, take the elevator up to the next level. Three more Geth Primes are waiting for you as soon as you exit the lift. Grab the Geth Spitfire on your immediate right, and lay into the enemies. The Spitfire will make short work of the Prime’s shields and armor. If you run out of ammo, there is more directly to your left. Proceed straight ahead to the balcony.

Once there, use the targeting laser to direct the Normandy to fire on the Geth base. After being hit with a direct shot, the base begins to rumble, and you discover that you just fired upon a hidden Reaper. The monstrous construct arises from the silo, and you’ll have to make a quick run for it to make it to the hovercraft alive. Objective: Destroy the Reaper A short chase sequence happens as you fire on the Reaper from the fleeing hovercraft.

It appears the Reaper is down, but after inspecting it, the Reaper flashes back to life. Now Shepard must use the targeting laser to call in three more orbital blasts from the Normandy. Be wary of the Reaper’s incredibly powerful laser while you target it. One hit is all it takes to kill you.

After taking down the Reaper, a cutscene plays out where you have a choice to save the Geth, eliminate the Geth, or force a truce between the Geth and Quarians. The options available to you are based on previous Mass Effect game saves (if you carried one over). Whatever decision you end up making, you’ll return to the Normandy to learn that the Asari councilor wishes to meet with you on the Citadel.

Chapter Four: Tuchanka After completing one of the two previous missions, you can now head to Tuchanka to cure the genophage. You’ll discover the only way to effectively save the Krogans is to upload the cure into the Shroud, which is now surrounded by Reapers. Once you decide to land, the Salarian Dalatrass will contact Shepard. She informs you about a secret failsafe left in the Shroud that will trick the Krogans into thinking the genophage has been cured, but will not allow them to procreate. On the flight down to the planet, Eve notices Shepard is distracted. You have the option of revealing the Salarian plan to her, or keeping to yourself. This conversation will come up again a second time while driving to the Shroud in the Krogan transport.

If you choose to keep the secret to yourself, you can choose how to deal with the Krogans at the end of the chapter. Revealing the Salarain plans to Eve at either point means you are effectively choosing to cure the genophage. Siding with the Salarians will give you their aide in completing the Crucible, as well as their ships, but you lose out on help from the Krogans. The same is true if you decide to cure the Krogans. Objective: Defend Eve When you land on Tuchanka, Husks are all over the landing zone.

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You’ve got to take them all out before Eve can leave the ship. After you do so, a cutscene takes place where another Krogan clan questions Shepard’s plans. Eve settles the dispute quickly, and then you board the Krogan transports to head to the Shroud.

Shortly after departing, the transport comes to a halt. Shepard heads outside to investigate what’s wrong. To your right, there will be a Krogan working on a transport. Next to him are a Shotgun Smart Choke II, a Death Mask, and a Pistol Melee Stunner II. Directly behind you will be a Krogan leaning on the roadway railing. There are two Med Kits and a Graal Spike Thrower. Pick all of these items up, and then turn to the right to find the Krogan Scout.

Before talking to him, grab the Pistol Magazine Upgrade to his right. Objective: Escape the catacombs After a short cutscene, Shepard and his squad are stranded. There’s an entrance to some ruins on the other side of the transport wreckage. Hop over the gap, and enter into the ancient Krogan ruins. Head down the steps, and go through the first doorway on your left.

Drop down to the next level, and head through the first entry you see. You’ll find a painting on a wall that lets you salvage an Ancient Krogan Artifact. Head back out the door, turn left, and then turn left again to head through the next entry and down the steps. Shepard encounters a series of tremors, but Eve reveals the tremors might actually be a giant thresher maw. When you drop down, proceed around the rubble, and head straight.

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There’s another Krogan painting. Salvage the Ancient Krogan Artifact, then turn to follow the path behind you. Enter through the open door on your left. On the wall to your right will be another Krogan painting. Examine it to salvage the Ancient Krogan Artifact.

Continue on this path until you climb up a set of stairs and find yourself outside. As you make your way through the next area of ruins, a pack of Cannibals and Ravagers attacks. Take them all out, and then continue on exploring the area making sure to pick up any ammo you find.

Mass effect 3 walkthrough pc

Continue down the path to the right. Jump over the gap in the walkway, and you’ll find another group of Cannibals. Take them all out, and a small pack of Husks will appear along with a Brute. Dispatch all of the Reaper forces, and then proceed around the corner. Head up the steps on the left. You’ll encounter another group of Cannibals, Husks, and Ravagers. Take time to make use of cover, and eliminate every Reaper before moving on.

Mass effect 2 walkthrough

Move through the doorway and cross the bridge. Follow the path as it winds until you find yourself in an area filled with Krogan monuments. Head down into the central patio, and you’ll encounter a group of Husks, Cannibals, and Marauders.

Take them all out. Continue along the path until you find an opening to drop down on the right. A cutscene plays where Shepard and the Krogans decide the best way to get into the Shroud is by leading the giant thresher maw to the Reaper. To do this, Shepard must activate some ancient hammers that will draw the maw to where the Reaper is holding out.

Objective: Activate the maw hammers As you head to the next area, you’ll encounter a small group of Cannibals. Take them out, and then proceed forward. At the top of the steps, you’ll find an M-5 Phalanx. Once you’re in the next area, you’ll find one hammer is located to the right, and one to the left. Dropping down into the clearing causes four Brutes to appear.

Taking them on is possible, but ill advised. It’s much easier to just pick a hammer, and run towards it bypassing combat all together.

The Reaper will try to stomp on you when you get close to one of the hammer switches. Look for the giant shadow to appear in front of you, and then roll backwards to avoid being squashed. After activating the first hammer, simply turn around and run straight in the other direction to the other hammer. Again, avoid the Brutes and the Reaper stomp. Activating the second hammer cues up the final cutscene for the chapter. After making it into the Shroud, you can choose to either betray the Krogan or ignore the Salarain Delatrass’ plan for sabotage.

After completing the mission and returning to the Normandy, you learn Shepard is requested back at the Citadel. Now is a good time to speak with everyone on the ship again, and complete any side missions you have. Once you return to the Citadel, some of the missions will no longer be available.

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