Cityrail Train Driver

Railcorp have advertised for Trainee Train Drivers with City Rail,base salary approx $51,000,check out the Railcorp website for info.This is a Sydney NSW based. Jun 23, 2011 A Sydney train driver was suspended after an incident at Central Station. See more at

  1. Cityrail Train Map
  2. Cityrail Timetable

This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2012) Glenbrook rail accident Date 2 December 1999 Time 8:22 am Location Country Australia Rail line Operator, Type of incident Collision Statistics Trains 2 Deaths 7 Injuries 51 The Glenbrook rail accident occurred on 2 December 1999 at 8:22 am on a curve east of on the network between and, in the Blue Mountains of, Australia. Seven passengers were killed and 51 passengers were taken to hospital with injuries when a CityRail electric interurban train collided with the rear wagon of the long-haul Perth-to-Sydney. Contents. Overview The train was authorised to pass a red signal at Glenbrook and stopped at the next signal, also red. The driver alighted to use the lineside signal telephone to call the signaller for authority to pass the signal at danger; as a component of the phone was missing, he incorrectly believed it to be defective.

A delay of approximately seven minutes resulted despite the locomotive having a radio (at that time it was not procedure for the to use radio to contact signal boxes). The interurban train restarted with authority after stopping at the red signal at Glenbrook and collided shortly after with the rear of the Indian Pacific train waiting at the second failed signal. A number of factors were involved, from equipment breakdown to poor phrasing of the safeworking rules: the most important was that the interurban picked up too much speed and the driver was not able to see the rear of the Indian Pacific around a sharp curve in a deep in time to avoid a collision. Visibility The track was curved to the left, the train was using the left-hand track, the driver was sitting on the left side of the train, and the track was in a narrow rock cutting. These four factors contributed to less than average visibility. Inquiry A headed by Justice Peter McInerny investigated the accident. Causes The Commission found that the accident occurred after a power failure disabled two consecutive automatic signals: due to their design, both exhibited danger (red).

Cityrail Train Map

Both trains obtained permission from the signalman at Penrith to pass the first signal at danger. The driver of the Indian Pacific obeyed the rule requiring him to proceed with 'extreme caution', but the driver of the interurban train failed to do so and caught up with the Indian Pacific. The Commission found fault with a number of procedures, their application by railway employees, and the training those employees had received. Among other factors, it found that:. the signalman was unable to monitor the position of the Indian Pacific, so was unaware it had not cleared the second signal;. safety-critical communication was too informal;.

the train controller in Sydney told the driver of the interurban train by radio, 'it's only an auto. Just trip past', thereby potentially misleading the driver into believing that the signal section was clear; the signalman in Penrith was not aware of this exchange;. the driver of the interurban train failed to proceed with 'extreme caution', as required by the rule, and so was unable to stop in time to avoid the collision.

training for passing signals at danger was deficient, as was the rule, safeworking unit 245. Effects The seven people who died were in the front compartment of the first carriage of the interurban train. The rear carriage of the Indian Pacific was a car transport wagon that did not convey passengers, and, in absorbing the brunt of the collision, was arguably the reason there were not any further fatalities on board the Indian Pacific. The impact of the collision was such that the front six metres of the interurban car were compressed into just one metre, while the first six carriages of the Indian Pacific were separated from the rest of the train from the force. When the driver of the CityRail train, Kevin Sinnett, saw the stationary Indian Pacific, he ran from the driver's compartment (the was automatically activated) to the lower deck of the double-decker carriage warning the passengers to brace themselves.

He was badly injured, but survived because of this. As he ran through, a man from the front compartment ran to the upper deck to warn passengers and thereby also survived the crash. A third train, bound for Lithgow, only narrowly avoided colliding with the wreckage when signallers managed to warn the driver to stop just 60 seconds before it reached the crash site. The interurban train The train was a standard four-car, labelled V21.The first carriage, DIM8067, received critical damage to its front and lower compartments, but it was repaired. To avoid any reference and insensitivity to the victims, it was re-numbered DIM8020 and remained in service until it was withdrawn in 2003 following many problems.

See also., 1950. Tripped past red signal according to rules, similar to Glenbrook.


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Cityrail Timetable

Train driver game simulator

Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance today unveiled the first glimpse of Sydney’s new metro train, with a life-size train model delivered for customer testing on Sydney Metro Northwest. The 13-tonne life-size train model has been delivered to the Showground Station site and is a full-scale version of approximately 75 per cent of the front carriage – including the distinctive nose section where customers will be able to travel while looking directly out the front of the fully automated train. “This is a pretty exciting glimpse of tomorrow’s Sydney,” Mr Constance said. And the distinctive Sydney swing seat, which can be altered to face either direction, has also been banished in favour of London Underground-style benches facing each other. The new layout will mean commuters can gaze longingly at one another over their morning coffee and iPads. If they bore of that, passengers will be able to look out of the front window of the new trains, which will be completely automatic and devoid of drivers.

Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance unveiled the 13-tonne life-size model of the new train this afternoon. The trains will operate on the city’s new $8.3 billion Metro Northwest line to the Hills District from 2019. Eventually the trains will also serve the CBD and Bankstown in the city’s west.

Can we get off the train now? Minister for Transport Andrew Constance (left) and Ray Williams MP unveil the new carriage. Source:News Corp Australia “This is a pretty exciting glimpse of tomorrow’s Sydney,” Mr Constance said.

Doors at the end of the carriages have also been ditched with customers able to see from one end of the train to the other. Mr Constance said the life-size train model will be tested over coming weeks with a range of people including school groups, parents with prams, the less mobile as well as emergency services and engineers. “We’ll take the feedback from future customers on board before the new trains go into full production next year — they’ll be able to have their say on internal features like seating, safety, customer information, lighting, the grab poles and hand grips as well as well as how easy it is to move through the carriage and use the multipurpose areas.”. The Government has hailed single-deck trains as being able to disembark passengers more quickly than double deckers where people have to descend the stairs. However, critics have pointed out double-deck trains can carry more passengers overall.

Future passengers are also being given the chance to choose between turquoise or blue for the train’s final colour scheme. Despite the fact neither choice matches the orange hue which is currently used on the Sydney Trains system. Following customer testing, the life-size train model will go on public display.

Double-deck trains will continue to operated on other Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink lines.

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