Password Router Huawei Hg530 Etb

More Password Router Huawei Hg530 Etb videos. Huawei Echolife Router Default Passwords. The Huawei Broadband routers and their default router passwords including Huawei Echolife. Password: Huawei. Dear friend i do have a dvr (and a Huawei router (HG530). DVR has the following parameters web port:8080 / server port: 6036.

Huawaei Technologies Limited, which is presently World’s second largest telecom equipment manufacturing company behind Ericsson, makes the popular series of broadband routers with the name of Huawei Echolife. Here we are presenting some of the popular models of the Huawei Broadband routers and their default router passwords including Huawei Echolife Broadband Routers. Broadband Router manufacturers set a default username and default password in the firmware of the device, which allows the user to access the settings page of the router, when it is connected to a computer. This default password can easily be changed by the user through a private IP address something like

Click to expand. - TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Vista/Windows 7 Start, Programs Accessories and right click on Command Prompt, select 'Run as Administrator' to open a command prompt.

Password Router Huawei Hg530 Etb

Note: Type only the text in bold for the following commands. Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog Reset IPv4 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults.

Netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log and press enter Reset IPv6 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. Netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log and press enter Reboot the machine. If you receive the message The requested operation requires elevation. Then please open the command prompt as administrator - as requested above Start, Programs Accessories and right click on Command Prompt, select 'Run as Administrator' to open a command prompt.

Please note and post back - if you receive the message Access is Denied Post back the results here - we need to know these commands worked correctly rightclick in the box select all enter control key + C key - to copy then reply here and control key + V to paste - TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Windows XP with SP2/SP3 Start, Run, CMD to open a command prompt: In the command prompt window that opens, type type the following commands: Note: Type only the text in bold for the following commands. Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults, type: netsh int ip reset reset.log and press enter Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults, type: netsh winsock reset catalog and press enter Reboot the machine.

Please note and post back - if you receive the message Access is Denied Post back the results here rightclick in the box select all enter control key + C key - to copy then reply here and control key + V to paste. For the info, I have Windows 7. Well I copy paste the pings. It disconnected me.

Password Huawei Hg8245h

Adolf loos ornament and crime pdf. Here are the pings while disconnected from the game. C: Users Irene La Gamatiusping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out.

Huawei Modem Username And Password

Request timed out. Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=53 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 1, Lost = 3 (75% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 76ms, Maximum = 76ms, Average = 76ms C: Users Irene La Gamatiusping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=48 Request timed out. Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=162ms TTL=48 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 162ms, Maximum = 163ms, Average = 162ms EDIT: Ι did one more test ASAP once it DC and got the above! Couldn't make it on time.


Not sure, did you cahnge line types, not familiar with the greek telecoms network the Huwaei is listed as ADSL and so was the T-link but if you specifcally have change the telephone type then not sure if i can help if you are using the telephone as ADSL then they both should work with some setting changes if you log into the Huwaei router and review / post the settings (NOT any username or password) have a look at the userguide here Log in to the Web-based configuration utility of the HG530. 1) Launch the Internet Explorer on your computer. 2) Enter in the address bar, and then press Enter. 3) In the displayed dialog box, enter the user name and the password, and then click OK. By default, the user name is admin and the password is admin.


After the user name and the password are verified, you can access the Web-based configuration utility. Then post some of the configuration details PPP / VCI / VPI etc information.

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