Aptana Radrails Install

Aptana RadRails You can still install RadRails as an Eclipse plugin, but it is a bit deprecated and using standalone version is easiest Install Aptana Radrails Standalone version This tutorial deals with the beta3 version of AptanaRadRails. Go to using your preferred Web browser. Click on 'Download Now'. Select 'Standalone' from the drop down selection menu and click on 'Download Now'.

Ruby on Rails Developement with Aptana RadRails by Kevin English Camber Corporation.

Aptana Eclipse Plugin


Unzip tarball and a execute 'Aptana RadRails' Install the Radrails Plug-in for Eclipse (optional) This tutorial assumes that you have a working installation of Eclipse IDE (preferably Ganymede or later). After having a working Java installation this step should be pretty easy (I usually install the provided Java packages of my distribution). It is suggested to install Eclipse into one's home directory, since Eclipse's built-in plug-in installation system works most seamlessly that way. Downloading the Eclipse tar-ball (for Linux of course) and extracting it in your home directory should suffice. You may want to add the path where your eclipse executable resides to your PATH variable.

Aptana Radrails Download

Aptana Radrails Install

Aptana Download Not Working

If you downloaded standalone version you can place Aptana Studio in whatever Folder you wish and invoke it by double clicking in the AptanaStudio3 icon as shown in the next screenshot: Optionally you can move the extracted folder and it contents to your local programs folder /usr/bin via gksudo nautilus or via terminal but I think it is not needed unless you wish to invoke it via terminal. If you wish to add an Application Icon to your Applications list from the Unity Launcher (or any other launcher like Synapse) you can simply create a.desktop file with the next contents on it: Desktop Entry Version=1.0 Name=AptanaStudio3 Comment=Aptana Studio 3 Exec=/home/geppettvs/Documents/AptanaStudio3/AptanaStudio3 Icon=/home/geppettvs/Documents/AptanaStudio3/icon.xpm Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application; And place it inside of the /.local/share/applications/ folder. Remember to change the folder where AptanaStudio3 and its Icon resides in order to make it work properly. 1) First, unzip aptana in your home directory.

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